When you hear ‘naturopathic pharmacist’ what do you think of?
We get all kinds of reactions at Stay Well Pharmacy. Lots of people have a vague idea, but to be fair, naturopathic pharmacy is not exactly a mainstream topic of conversation. So, here’s what we actually do at Stay Well Pharmacy.
Think back to the last time you went to a Christchurch pharmacy. You might have gone in because you were feeling sick. Perhaps you had a prescription from your doctor? The pharmacist will fill your prescription, recommend some medication to treat your ailment, and wish you well.
As naturopathic pharmacists, we take a step back and ask, what if we could work with you to help you stay healthy and stay well? Instead of treating the symptoms of what’s making you feel unwell, what if we had a look at the deeper cause?
Naturopathic pharmacy takes a holistic look at you as a person. We’ll ask you about your diet, your lifestyle and your daily habits to build up a bigger picture of your overall health and what wellbeing looks like for you. From there, we can recommend a personalised healthcare plan that treats the underlying issues, helping you live well and stay well.
People often come in to Stay Well Pharmacy complaining about digestive problems. They’re sick and tired of feeling bloated, gassy, or having complaints about those associated motions. Other pharmacists have recommended antacids or acid blockers but they’ve had enough of feeling uncomfortable.
In a one-on-one private consultation we’ll listen to you, ask questions, and try to get to the root cause of the problem. Recently, one person came to see Mark at Stay Well Pharmacy with exactly those complaints. Mark suggested eliminating dairy out of their diet, using dairy substitutes and recommended some vitamins to boost their immune system.
In a follow-up consultation, they felt like a completely different person. “They no longer needed to take antacids,” says Mark Webster. “Plus, they no longer felt gassy or bloated most of the day. Turns out they were dairy intolerant (not just lactose intolerant) and had no idea. One small change in their diet had a major impact on their lifestyle.”
What’s getting in the way of your wellbeing? Are you regularly falling ill and taking sick days every month? Are you sick and tired of feeling bloated, gassy and generally unwell? Do you have a recurring rash or skin infection you just can’t seem to shake?
Give us a call on 0508 878 2993 and make a time to see our naturopathic pharmacist, Mark Webster at Stay Well Pharmacy. In a private, one-on-one consultation, we can get to the cause of those uncomfortable issues, so you can start to live well and stay well.
26 Jun
As a general rule, most of us need eight hours of quality rest each night, but everyone is different. So what can you do to get more rest when you close your eyes?
02 Apr
At Stay Well Pharmacy, we’re well known for helping people live well and stay well. All around the walls you can see vitamins, supplements and over the counter medication designed to help you look and feel better. So did you know we also pierce ears?
B Vitamins are part of the building blocks for a healthy body. The B Vitamins have direct roles to play in your energy levels, brain function and metabolism.
Spring doesn’t need to be the season for itchy eyes and sneezing.
But that’s what Spring is for so many of us. Christchurch comes alive with blossoms and daffodils, but we can’t appreciate any of it through our red, watery eyes.
At Stay Well Pharmacy we are all geared up to keep you well through Spring.