Have you ever heard that old expression, 'you are what you eat'? We say it for a reason: good nutrition and good health go hand in hand, so how you fuel your body has a big effect on how you feel.
Good nutrition is important for everyone, from every walk of life. The modern world and the environment we live in place a significant burden on our systems, so it's important that we fuel our bodies well in order to cope. If you experience health challenges or your lifestyle places unusual demands on your body, your diet becomes an especially powerful tool to fight back and maximise your wellbeing.
As part of our commitment to your health and wellness, Stay Well Pharmacy welcomes your nutrition questions and are happy to offer guidance. Whether you seek to lose weight or simply feel great, we can help - contact us today!
04 Sep
There’s a lot we can do to fight diseases like cancer if we pick them up early. Support Blue September, and get yourself checked for prostate cancer.
08 Feb
Prevention is always better than a cure, but is that the experience you get at most pharmacies?
B Vitamins are part of the building blocks for a healthy body. The B Vitamins have direct roles to play in your energy levels, brain function and metabolism.
Spring doesn’t need to be the season for itchy eyes and sneezing.
But that’s what Spring is for so many of us. Christchurch comes alive with blossoms and daffodils, but we can’t appreciate any of it through our red, watery eyes.
At Stay Well Pharmacy we are all geared up to keep you well through Spring.